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Breaking Stereotypes: Women Redefining Tech Careers at JAS

March 22, 2024
In recognition of Women's History Month and International Women's Day, we proudly highlight the remarkable journeys of three outstanding leaders from our Information Technology team: Linda Tallent, Irene Snyman, and Lizelle Britz.
In recognition of Women's History Month and International Women's Day, we proudly highlight the remarkable journeys of three outstanding leaders from our Information Technology team: Linda Tallent, Irene Snyman, and Lizelle Britz.

As we celebrate the launch of our Women@JAS program, Women's History Month, and recognize International Women's Day, we shine a spotlight on three of our Information Technology team leads, Linda Tallent, Irene Snyman, and Lizelle Britz, whose collective experiences personify resilience, determination, and leadership in a traditionally male-dominated field. These three accomplished JAS women are breaking barriers and shaping the future of technology within the logistics industry.  

At the Atlanta Worldwide headquarters, Linda Tallent champions the adage, "You can teach people anything, but you can't teach them to care." Linda knows firsthand the importance of a leader and a team that cares. "I ended up in IT; it was never a conscious decision. There have been times where I thought I was in over my head, but I stayed because of the people," she recounts how she grew her career at JAS. "I'm not a programmer. I'm not a coder. I'm not a developer. That's not how I see my role. My role is to build and empower the team and help everyone grow in their careers," she explains. At JAS, Linda has essentially done it all – she's served as an air import clerk, traffic manager, and customer broker; under her guidance, the global Helpdesk system was established – the list goes on. As JAS IT grew from the less-than-twenty-person team when she first started, so did Linda's capacity for management and leading teams to success. Her firm belief in the power of collaboration and inclusivity has propelled her to the forefront of initiatives, "you take the opportunities and take the chances. You're not always going to succeed, but even if you fail, you will still learn," she shares. For the last 26 years, Linda's journey has served as an inspiration for many women and will continue to prove invaluable to the next generation of Women@JAS.  

In South Africa, Irene Snyman's journey in technology began as an ERP consultant while completing her Master's degree in Computer Science. "I didn't grow up thinking that I wanted to be in IT; it was an opportunity that came my way," Irene recalls. When accepting her initial role at JAS, she dived in without fully understanding what the role entailed. "I had no idea what I was going to do, just that it revolved around integration and projects," she recounts. There have been many times where she had to learn to be confident with being the only woman or the youngest in a room. "I had to be comfortable and understand that I also had something of value to offer." Now, as a global leader in IT and in her dual role, she balances work-life integration. "I don't think of it as work-life balance because a scale is always going to lean one way more than the other. I think integration is a better term; it's more feasible in terms of long-term sustainability," Irene explains. She constantly strives to be present in every aspect of her life, from quality time with her family to working with her team. When liaising with the university students, she encourages them to follow their passion, regardless of preconceived stereotypes. "There was always a consensus that you need to be a developer, to be in IT and that is not the case. There are no rules, just follow your heart and work hard". Her leadership style revolves around servant leadership, nurturing each team member's growth with a unique approach. "My journey highlights the importance of breaking barriers with passion and dedication, proving that authenticity transcends stereotypes in the tech world."

Meanwhile, within the same Port Elizabeth office, Lizelle Britz's career trajectory is marked by assertive and decisive ambition. She knew she enjoyed working with computers, and after a quick stint pursuing work in the education sector, she returned to earn a technology degree. She didn't care that she was often the oldest in her classroom – she knew she was where she belonged. This was even more apparent when she started her first role in IT the day after her final exam at university. What began as a developer role molded into a management role where she now can focus on what's important to her – mentorship and leading teams. "When someone from my team leaves for a new opportunity, my goal is for them to be a better version of themselves than when they first started. Whether that be a better coder, a better developer – I want them to be proud of that version of themselves," she explains her approach to leadership. There are also times when she needs to be transparent and honest with her team, knowing that this is what propels them to do better. "Working on your inner confidence is so important so that when someone does doubt you, you don't take it personally because you know within yourself that you are capable," she advises when asked if she's faced challenges from being a woman in a male-dominated industry. When asked about her proudest career accomplishment, she reflects, "I think where I am right now. It's a busy season in life, but it's so rewarding to see and feel the positive impact my team is making."

As we honor the diverse journeys of Linda, Irene, and Lizelle, we are reminded that though we might not always have the answer, what's meant to be will always find us – that is, with a bit of hard work, passion, and commitment. Their collective stories serve as a reminder of the limitless potential that lies within each of us to effect positive change and drive innovation in an ever-changing world.

Care and Follow-Up Key to Successful Engine Transport

JAS Mexico and Spain partner on aircraft engine delivery

July 29, 2021

Transporting an engine is a delicate operation. Moving an engine via aircraft adds a layer of difficulty that requires expertise, reliability, and commitment to the aerospace sector.  

Teams at JAS Mexico and JAS Spain recently partnered to complete the secure transport of an aircraft engine from Mexico City to the Madrid Airport Terminal in Spain. Engine dimensions were 450x250x255 cm. The total weight of the engine was 4,920 kgs. An engine this size required special transport arrangements and supervision during lashing to ensure the cargo’s safe arrival at its destination.  

Ricardo Molinero, Operations Manager for JAS Madrid, said the teams followed a strict procedure designed to avoid damage to the engine’s inner beadings. “They are very prone to damage if lashing is not done correctly since the engine cradle must, on one hand, be firmly secured to the truck bed but allowing as well some movement, so the inner beadings won’t break,” he said.  

To safeguard the engine’s delicate inner beadings, the teams adhere to the following protocol:

  • The engine was installed lengthwise in the transport vehicle.  
  • The stand base was laid on the truck bed, with the caster wheels and tow bars locked in a stored position.  
  • The engine/cradle and cradle/base fastenings were put in place and checked for secureness.  
  • The engine installed on the cradle was attached to the shipping base and equipped with shock insulators.  
  • The minimum required clearance of 4 inches between the cradle and the truck bed was verified. If clearance space is not confirmed, wood shoring must be placed beneath the transportation base side rails and nailed to the trailer bed to prevent movement that can damage the engine.
  • The shoring was secured to keep it from protruding inboard of the side rails, which can interfere with the vertical movement of the shock mounts or engine cradle.  
  • The base only was attached to the trailer bed using tie-down points.

This is the third engine JAS Mexico has transported this year. It is the first time JAS Spain’s team has collaborated on a logistics job involving an engine. The engine left Mexico City on July 4 and arrived in Madrid on the afternoon of July 7. Delivery was made on July 8 per the customer’s request. “The engine was delivered timely, fulfilling our client’s tight deadline,” said Molinero.

El transporte de un motor de aeronave siempre conlleva una operativa muy delicada.Si además, hablamos de un transporte aéreo,  se añade una capa dedificultad que requiere de amplia experiencia ,fiablidad y compromiso con el sector aeroespacial.

Los equipos de JAS México y JAS España seasociaron recientemente para  organizar el transporte aéreo de un motor deavión desde la Ciudad de México hasta la Terminal del Aeropuerto de Madrid enEspaña. Las dimensiones del motor fueron de 450x250x255cm, con un peso total de 4.920 kg. El transportede un motor de este tamaño requiere de lacoordinación organización de recogidas y entregas dedicadas con personal especializado y  de una supervisión estricta de la operativa de trincado paragarantizar la llegada segura de la carga a su destino.

Ricardo Molinero, Directorde Operaciones de JAS España, indicó que los equipos de trabajo involucrados siguieron unprocedimiento estricto diseñado para evitar daños en los rodamientos del motor. "Son muy propensos a dañarsesi el trincado de la pieza  no se hacecorrectamente, ya que la cuna del motor debe,por un lado, estar firmemente asegurada a la plataforma del camión, peropermitiendo la sujeción, al mismo tiempo, elfuncionamiento del muellaje del motor, para que rodamientosno se vean afectados", dijo.

Para la protección durante el transportede los delicados rodamientos del motor, los equiposse adhieren al siguiente protocolo:

  • El motor se instaló longitudinalmente en el vehículo de transporte.
  • La base del soporte se colocó sobre la plataforma del camión, con las ruedas giratorias y las barras de remolque bloqueadas en una posición de almacenamiento.
  • Se colocaron las fijaciones del motor / soporte y del soporte / base y se verificó su seguridad.
  • El motor instalado en la base se adjuntó a la base de envío y se equipó con aislantes de choque.
  • Se verificó el espacio libre mínimo requerido de 4 pulgadas entre la base y la plataforma del camión. Si no se confirma el espacio libre, se deben colocar apuntalamientos de madera debajo de los rieles laterales de la base de transporte y clavarlos en la plataforma del remolque para evitar movimientos que puedan dañar el motor.
  • El apuntalamiento fue asegurado para evitar que sobresalga hacia el interior de los rieles laterales, lo que puede interferir con el movimiento vertical de los amortiguadores o el soporte del motor.
  • La base solo se fijó a la plataforma del remolque mediante puntos de amarre.

Este es el tercer motor que JAS Méxicotransporta este año, siendo la primera vez que elequipo de JAS España colabora en la operativa de transporte .  Elmotor embarcó desde la Ciudad de México el 4 de julio , llegando a Madrid en latarde del 7 de julio. La entregó se realizó el 8 de julio según solicitado por el cliente.  “El motor seentregó a tiempo, cumpliendo con el ajustado plazo deentrega nuestro cliente”, dijo Molinero.


Stay in the know with JAS news relating to
JAS Spain and JAS Projects in Chile Team Up

JAS Spain, in collaboration with JAS Projects in Chile, successfully transported all of the equipment and accessories required by our client to build a new copper mine in Mantos Blancos, Chile. Located in Antofasgasta, 45 km northeast of Santiago.

JAS Spain transported all of the machinery and main pieces for all of the client's mine teams. Picking up the cargo from many different ocean shipments like 40OT/ 40's/ 40'FR Air shipments & IMO . JAS began working on this project during March in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and are now at the end of 2020 and almost to the completion of this project. Throughout the project, even with all the aberrant forecasts on shipping dates, JAS found and created solutions to ensure our customer's needs are continuously met, no matter the circumstances.

JAS is proud to have a team of experts managing projects such as this one for our clients, showcasing that our continued professionalism and proficiency enable our customers to reach their goals even in an uncertain environment. With JAS you know you are being taken care of, because people make the difference.

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