News & Insights from JAS Worldwide Compliance

JAS Forwarding (USA), Inc.

6165 Barfield Road
Atlanta GA, 30328
United States
Tel: +1 (770)688-1206
Fax: +1 (770)688-1229


JAS USA Compliance Insights


JAS USA Compliance Insights on the Impact of COVID-19

Last year, NASA and ESA began an ambitious project with the intent to gather rock samples from Mars, and have those samples brought back to Earth. This multi-billion dollar project began with NASA’s launch of Perseverance, a rover designed to drill for rock samples and store them for a return trip. In order to retrieve the samples, the aerospace manufacturer Airbus has been hired to build a specialized spacecraft called the ERO, or Earth Return Orbiter – a massive structure that will cross millions of miles to Mars’ orbit. From there, it will pick up the samples stored by the Perseverance and make a return trip to Earth, resulting in what could be considered the first interplanetary cargo delivery! The ERO is expected to launch sometime in 2026. Now the real question is, what duties do NASA and ESA have to pay for several tons of Mars rock?


International Coffee Day is celebrated each year on October 1.  Coffee has been used for centuries and grows on multiple continents around the world.  Coffee imports into the US are subject to PGA (Partner Government Agencies).  PGA requirements are diverse and require expertise to navigate.  On International Coffee Day, reflect on the expertise required to bring that beautiful concoction of caffeinated bliss to our breakfast tables!


Labor Day in the USA commemorates the labor movement for worker’s rights.  In the 19th Century, work conditions were quite different from what they are today, and work weeks were long and difficult.  Today, workdays and weeks are much more manageable in comparison. Labor Day also brings those exciting Labor Day Sales hopefully to save little on some consumer items!  


There’s a food dilemma that people have been questioning for a long time!  Have you ever purchased a pack of hot dogs and a pack of buns only to discover that there are 10 hot dogs and 8 buns?  Let’s finally right this wrong!  Why are there different quantities?  According to the National Hot Dog Sausage Council (NHDSC) hot dog buns are baked in clusters of four in pans that are designed to hold eight rolls.  So, there you have it!  Keep that in mind when you are grilling hot dogs during this last summer month!


FDA regulates sunscreens to ensure they meet safety and effectiveness standards. To improve the quality, safety, and effectiveness of sunscreens, FDA issued requirements and it must pass certain tests before they are sold.  Also, how you use the product, and other protective measures you take, make a difference in how well you can protect yourself and your family from sunburn, skin cancer, early skin aging and other risks of overexposure to the sun.

Here are some key sun safety tips:

  • Limit time in the sun, especially between the hours of 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., when the sun’s rays are most intense.
  • Wear clothing to cover skin exposed to the sun, such as long-sleeved shirts, pants, sunglasses, and broad-brimmed hats.
  • Use broad spectrum sunscreens with SPF values of 15 or higher regularly and as directed.
  • Reapply sunscreen at least every two hours, and more often if you are sweating or jumping in and out of the water.

Enjoy your summer and have fun in the sun!


Ahhh, the smell of ripe strawberries lingers in the air as one of the most wonderful times of the year has arrived…. SUMMER!  

Consider strawberry picking as a family friendly outdoor activity this year!  Most of us are accustomed to strawberries from the grocery that were shipped in from faraway places and picked perhaps a bit early to ensure smooth travels.   Local strawberries are a totally different experience.  You are selecting each one yourself at the peak of perfection.  They are ripe and red totally through and filled with flavor beyond comparison.

Here are 5 tips to make your strawberry picking experience the best!

  1. Pick on a weekday when strawberry availability is at its peak. Strawberries ripen over time and supplies are best mid-week.
  2. Arrive right when the farm opens on weekends.
  3. Local Berries are Fragile. Eat your strawberries or freeze them within 24 hours of picking.  
  4. Dress for Picking!  You are visiting a working farm so close-toed shoes, sun hat and sunscreen are in order.  
  5. Please pay for your Strawberries before eating them. It is hugely tempting to eat strawberries while picking, but strawberries are sold by the pound at most farms so you will need to weigh and pay before you enjoy.

Enjoy!! Cheers to the summer!


Did you know that the Memorial Day Holiday used to be known as Decoration Day?  The holiday was celebrated by “decorating” the graves of fallen soldiers with flowers, flags, and more, hence the name “Decoration Day.” Over time, it became known as Memorial Day.  

We honor the men and women who died while serving in the U.S. Military, particularly those who died in battle or because of wounds sustained in battle.


Roll up your sleeves and get your garden ready for Summer on April 14, as it is National Gardening Day. Gardening is a fun and relaxing hobby enjoyed by many, and this is the perfect day for those who have been wanting to take up gardening to finally gather their tools and seeds and get their hands dirty. National Gardening Day happens at the height of Spring, so it is the perfect day to start growing your flowers, vegetables, herbs, and fruits, so they are ready to be enjoyed in the Summer. Even if you don't have a garden, you can still exercise your green fingers on houseplants, and bring the outside in.  Happy Spring!!


Did you know that March 30th is National Virtual Vacation Day?  When March 30th arrives, so does National Virtual Vacation Day, reminding us all to relax, recharge, and rejuvenate no matter where we are.  Vacations restore our minds, bodies, and souls. Studies show that taking a vacation lowers the risk of heart disease. They also help hone our problem-solving skills and promote overall brain health. There has never been a better time than now to explore a virtual vacation.  Stay safe and enjoy National Virtual Vacation Day!


As we continue to practice social distancing, share the gift of love through sending a Valentine’s card to your family, friends and loved ones this year!  Did you know that Valentine’s Day is the 2nd most popular day of the year for sending cards?  Christmas is the first most popular!  Also, did you know that 9 million people buy their pets a gift for Valentine’s Day?  Maybe get them a card!  Hopefully, they won’t eat it!  Happy Valentine’s Day!


Did you know that the first New Year’s celebration goes back 4,000 years ago when Julius Caesar (the emperor of Rome) was the first to declare January 1 a national holiday!  Today, approx. 45% of Americans make New Year’s resolutions that vary from losing weight, getting organized, spending less, saving more, staying fit/healthy, quit smoking and more! 25% of people give up on these resolutions by the 2nd week of January!  What are your plans?  Be sure to stick to it and reach your goals this year!  JAS Forwarding USA Compliance is sending you well wishes of health and prosperity this year!

Fancy Another Pint?
December 2, 2020

It is the Holiday Season!  Can you guess what the most widely consumed drink is worldwide?  If you guessed BEER, you are correct!  Few would question its worldwide appeal but let us see what the numbers say!  Click HERE to check out just how popular beer really is according the statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau!

Happy holiday season to you and your family!  Stay Safe!

November 4, 2020

As many people in the United States begin to plan for fall and winter holiday celebrations, CDC offers considerations to help protect individuals and their families, friends, and communities from COVID-19. Click HERE to read the full article on the CDC’s guidance to holiday celebrations.  

Happy holiday season to you and your family!  Stay Safe!


Some Halloween traditions may look different this year to keep everyone safe during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, there are still plenty of ways families can have fun while avoiding the scare of being exposed to or spreading the virus.

Most importantly, keep doing what you have been doing: avoiding large gatherings, keeping a distance of six feet from others, wearing cloth face coverings (think superhero!), and washing hands often.  

CLICK HERE for ideas for ways to keep safety steps in place while celebrating!


TSA collected $926,030.44 in unclaimed money that passengers left behind at airport security checkpoints during Fiscal Year 2019, including $18,899.09 in foreign currency.

The money consisted of loose change and paper currency that passengers removed from their pockets and left behind in a bin during the security screening process at TSA checkpoints.

The amount found during FY19, which ended September 30, 2019, marked a decrease in the amount of unclaimed money collected in FY18 when $960,105.49 was left behind.  When passengers approach the checkpoint, all items from pockets must be removed, including wallets and loose change. TSA recommends that travelers place those items directly into their carry-on bags so that they will not accidentally leave anything behind in a bin.

The top five airports where passengers have left the most money behind were:

  • John F. Kennedy International Airport - $98,110
  • San Francisco International Airport - $52,668.70
  • Miami International Airport - $47,694.03
  • McCarran International Airport - $44,401.76
  • Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport - $40,218.19

To read the full article…. Click HERE!  Be sure that you have all your belongings the next time!


Now is the time of year that parents start gearing up for kids to go back to school!  This year is different as we continue to adjust to the new norm during an ongoing pandemic.  Are your children returning to the classroom?  Are they converting to virtual learning modules?  No matter which direction of learning that your children will participate in this year, here is a guideline for the CDC to help keep our children healthy and safe as we approach the school year!

Guideline from the CDC

​It is officially summer and hurricane season!  More families are resorting to road travel this year due to Covid-19 restrictions and are looking for new travel ideas as we all adjust to our “new norms!”  As you are planning for summer vacation and travel, The U.S. Census Bureau publishes timely statistics that are critical to emergency planning, preparedness, and recovery efforts.  The “OnTheMap for Emergency Management Tool” is a live and interactive easy to use tool that provides information on disasters, natural hazards, and weather events across the United States.  So, before you go on that road trip be sure to check your destination HERE!


As the world reacts to the COVID-19 pandemic, people across the planet are adjusting to a new norm, staying home, quarantining, and practicing social distancing as an effort to slow the spread.  Though staying home is necessary, there are a lot of fun family friendly activities that you can do!  

Click HERE to read the article published by Travel & Leisure of 100+ fun things that can be done for family bonding while enjoying your summer!


Compliance Can be Compliant but FUN!  

​​JAS USA Compliance is a group of special people that focus on enforcing government rules and regulations; however, we know how to let our hair down!  As we all try to find how to adjust to a “new norm” we do make it a priority to relax and take advantage of opportunities to enjoy ourselves!  Every Thursday evenings the JAS USA Compliance team meet virtually for Happy Hour!  It’s 5 o’clock somewhere!  CHEERS!


Spring is here and is awakening the inner gardener in many of us!  Gardening provides not only a beautiful appearance, it also provides many health benefits.  Gardening increases exposure to vitamin D, offers mood-boasting benefits and is an enjoyable aerobic exercise!  

The gardening industry is a lucrative market that expands across multiple continents!  To read about the 2019 gardening import and export statistics, click here!


Are you aware of these basic protective measures that could help to protect you and your family against the coronavirus (COVID-19).  The World Health Organization (WHO) suggest that each of us practice these basic preventive measures as often as possible to help take care of your health and protect others.

  1. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water.
  2. Maintain at least a 3 to 6 feet distance between yourself and anyone else.
  3. Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth.
  4. Practice respiratory hygiene by covering your mouth and nose with your bent elbow if you cough or sneeze.
  5. If you have a fever, cough or difficulty breathing stay home and contact medical care early if necessary.

Stay healthy and safe!

Tidbits - February 2020
February 6, 2020

Did you know that the Super Bowl featured players from 33 different states and five countries?  Click HERE to review the Census data and demographics to see if anyone from your hometown was in the game!  Congratulations to the Kansas City Chiefs!

December 2019 Tidbits
December 5, 2019

Cold and flu season is among us!  Winter storms and cold temperatures can be dangerous. Stay safe and healthy by planning ahead.  The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) suggest taking these precautions to stay healthy this winter season!

  1. Get the flu vaccine.
  2. Avoid Close contact with people that are sick.
  3. Wash your hands often to help protect you from germs.
  4. Disinfect touched surfaces at home, work or school.
  5. Get plenty of sleep, be physically active, drink plenty of fluids and maintain a nutritious diet!

Have a Wonderful Holiday and Winter Season!


Did you know that the average number of calories consumed on Thanksgiving is 4500!  Most Americans indulge in turkey, ham, dressing, casseroles and a variety of pies!  Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

Import Training

In November, JAS USA Corporate Compliance team members teamed up with JAS Atlanta Branch team members to facilitate client compliance training. From left to right, Calvin Oh (Corporate Compliance), Scott Cassell (Corporate Compliance), Carlo Rebuffi (Manager of Live Animals Division-ATL), Laurie Arnold (VP Corporate Compliance), and Rishma Patel (CHB Manager-ATL). The team was able to facilitate learning on the topic of import compliance.

OFAC Penalty

OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control), part of the Department of Treasury, has imposed a $1.1 Million penalty on a US individual. The panlty was issued for 75 violations of OFAC Iran sanctions.

To read the full details check out the link below:

BIS Guidance

BIS has published its newest edition of "Don't Let This Happen to You!" The newest version includes new enforcement cases. New topics include the first Disruptive Technology Strike Force case, criminal cases, an assassination plot and much more.

Check out the full document at the link below:

UFLPA additions

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has added 29 new entities to the UFLPA Entity list. There are now more than 100 PRC-Based companies on the list. The companies on the list face significant challenge to enter goods into the United States because of alleged forced labor practices.

To read more details, check out the link to the Federal Register.

25% Tariffs

The President-elect has indicated that tariffs are coming to Canadian and Mexican goods in January. In a recent post on Truth Social, he has indicated that an executive order on January 20 will impose 25% on goods from Canada and Mexico with an additional 10% on goods from China. This action is to combat illegal immigration and illicit drugs.

Tracey Suggs

This November, we are honored to feature Tracey Suggs, Import Specialist at JAS Forwarding USA Inc., for his tireless advocacy for individuals with Down Syndrome. While October marks Down Syndrome Awareness Month, Tracey and his family advocate every day for the empowerment and inclusion of individuals who face intellectual and developmental challenges. Inspired by his daughter, Treana, who has Down Syndrome, Tracey is driven to ensure that every individual can live their fullest life. Treana's zest for life and inspiring spirit is a testament to the impact of love, perseverance, and understanding that Tracey strives to bring to his work and community. Tracey’s unwavering commitment to making a difference embodies our values at JAS, reminding us all of the importance of inclusivity and advocacy in both our professional and personal lives.

Tracey has been with JAS for 3 years and has been in the industry for over 20 years. Tracey has a passion for sports, fitness, art, community advocacy (special needs/disadvantaged youth), and spending time with family.


JAS Forwarding VP Compliance, Laurie Arnold joined forces with JAS Forwarding Global Development Director Jennifer Koon, and Regional Sales Director Lindsay Gambee to attend the International Compliance Professionals Association (ICPA) Fall Conference (Western Cowboy Theme) in Grapevine, Texas from October 20-23.  

They were able to meet with numerous members of the trade community and discuss current events and network.

BIS Penalty

On November 1, 2024, BIS imposed a civil penalty of $500,000 against a semiconductor wafer manufacturing company. The U.S. subsidiary shipped approximately $17.1 million of semiconductor wafers company listed on the BIS Entity List, without the required licese/authorization.

The company voluntarily disclosed the conduct and cooperated which resulted in significant reduction in the penalty.

To read more, check out the final order below.

Exclusion Requests

The U.S. Trade Representative has announced the opening of a process to request Section 301 exclusions. The requests will be limited to certain machinery within chapters 84 and 85 of the HTSUS.

The docket opened on October 15, 2025, and the deadline for submitting requests is March 31, 2025.

To read more details, check out the link below to the press release.

Aluminum Extrusion

On October 30, 2024, the U.S. International Trade Commission (USITC) determined "...that a U.S. Industry is not materially injured or threatened with material injury by reason of imports of aluminum extrusions from China, Columbia, Ecuador, India, Indonesia, Itay, Malaysia, Mexico, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, and Vietnam that the U.S. Department of Commerce (Commerce) has determined are sold in the United States at less than fair value, and subsidized by the Governments of China, Indonesia, Mexico, and Turkey."

The overall result is that "...Commerce will not issue antidumping duty orders on imports of this product from..." the countries listed.

It is important to note that older AD/CVD orders on aluminum extrusions remain in effect (2011).

To read the full press release, click the button below.


U.S. Customs has posted in the Federal Register the long-awaited information on the continuing education requirement credit hours for the current triennial period. The notice published in the Federal Register on November 1, 2024, CBP has announced that "...customs brokers license holders may begin completing qualified continuing broker education courses on January 1, 2025 (compliance date) and, accordingly, 20 credits as the prorated number of required credit hours for the triennial period beginning on February 1, 2024, and ending on January 31, 2027."

Additionally, the notice "...announces the criteria that U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) used to select qualified accreditors, the list of CBP-selected qualified accreditors, and the period of award for these accreditors."


September was a busy month for JAS Forwarding (USA) Inc. Compliance team members.

Laurie Arnold and Leah Ellis attended the NCBFAA (National Customs Brokers and Forwarders Association of America) GAC (Government Affairs Conference). During the conference, Laurie and Leah "walked the hill" and met with numerous congress members to discuss industry issues.

Scott Cassell spent time with clients in Newark, NJ along with J. Nathan May, Regional Sales Director to facilitate training on the HTS GRI (Harmonized Tariff Schedule General Rules of Interpretation) and Incoterms 2020.


Our October spotlight of the month is Rishma Patel from our Atlanta branch, where Rishma has been with JAS since 1997. Rishma has been in the industry for 32 years. She is the CHB Manager and Licensed Customs Broker responsible for the JAS Atlanta/College Park location.

Rishma's favorite sports are cricket, volleyball, tennis and badminton. In her spare time, she enjoys painting, drawing and food carving.

Rishma's dedication is yet another example that People Make the Difference!


The USTR (US Trade Representative) announced that they are proposing to increase Section 301 tariff rates on five subheadings of the HTSUS covering certain products of tungsten, wafers, and polysilicon.

The public docket was opened to allow for comments. All comments should be submitted by October 22, 2024.

To read more, check out the link below:


Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) is working to modernize the options for filing certificate data. "CPSC is actively developing the eFiling program and finalizing rulemaking." This creates a new opportunity to streamline the filing of General Certificates of Conformity (GCC).

Read more by checking out the link below:


A new Federal Register notice has been issued on September 26, 2024, proposing a ban on Chinese and/or Russian "Vehicle Connectivity Systems (VCS)." According to the notice, BIS/Commerce "...is soliciting comment on this proposed rule, which builds on the advance notice proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) issued by BIS on March 1, 2024." Comments to the proposed rule must be received on or before October 28, 2024.

To read more details check out the Federal Register Notice

Joe-September 2024

Our September spotlight of the month is Mr. Joseph Schmidt from our New York branch, where he has been with JAS since 1998. Joe has been in the business for 46 years and has been a Licensed Customs Broker since 1983. He is the Broker Manager and Licensed Customs Broker responsible for the JAS New York location.

Joe loves sports, and is a huge fan of the NY Mets, Giants and Knicks. He also loves Elvis Presley. His ringtone on his phone is the song "Follow That Dream" from the 1962 Elvis movie of the same name.

His long tenure shows not only his dedication to JAS, but also shows JAS' commitment to retain dedicated professionals because People Make the Difference!

JAS Compliance

The JAS Forwarding (USA) Inc. Corporate Compliance Team met in August at our Corporate Headquarters.

The JAS Corporate Compliance Team gets together regularly to discuss current trade compliance topics such as AD/CVD (recent aluminum case), and section 301 matters.  Additionally, the Compliance Team is always strategizing on how to better serve our client's compliance needs.

The team was able to have an evening of team building throwing axes!


The Modernization of Cosmetics Regulation Act (MoCRA) has recently gone into effect. The MoCRA is the most significant expansion of FDA's authority to regulate cosmetics since the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic (FD&C) Act was passed in 1938.

Manufacturers and processors must register their facilities with FDA and renew every two years. Examples of items subject to MoCRA include but are not limited to baby products, bath preparations, various makeups, hair products, and even oral products such as mouthwash.

There are free tools available to determine whether FDA's new MoCRA regulations apply. Check out the link below to utilize this free tool!

Importer Penalized

An importer of uniforms and footwear has been penalized $1.3 Million for a fraudulent scheme involving fake invoices that deliberately and materially understated the value of their imports. These goods were being imported from China, Pakistan and Bangladesh. The defendants, including the CEO were also accused of providing invoices misrepresenting the fabric content which resulted in reduced duty amounts.

To read more details, check out the full US District court order.

Indira in the Spotlight

Indira Coomar from our JAS Forwarding (USA) Inc. Norfolk branch has been with JAS for 14 years in September.  She likes to run each morning.  During her runs, she takes some very beautiful photos of the sunrise over the beach and shares them with an inspirational quote to start many days. One of her recent quotes was “the secret to getting ahead is getting started!”  We appreciate Indira’s motivation, and this attitude perfectly reflects that People Make the Difference.

JAS on the Move

July 2024, JAS Forwarding (USA) Inc.’s Laurie Arnold (VP Compliance) and Scott Cassell (Corporate Compliance Project Manager) facilitated a client seminar covering Foreign Trade Zone, Forced Labor and Duty Drawback.  The event was hosted by our JAS Forwarding (USA)Inc. Charlotte Branch!

CBP Snap Shot

CBP publishes monthly trade statistics that provide a snapshot of the volume of shipments being processed.  In May2024, CBP processed more than 2.9 million entry summaries.  This includes numerous modes of transport from all over the world.  

CBP’s monthly trade stats show duties paid, seizures, WRO data and much more.

To read the full article, check out the link below.

MPF Increase

CBP has announced an increase of the Merchandise Processing Fee (MPF) within the Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (COBRA). The fee increase will be effective on October 1, 2024.

The new minimum will increase from $31.67 to $32.71. The new maximum will increase from $614.35 to 634.62. The ad valorem rate of 0.3464% remains unchanged.

For more details check out the link below.

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