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Is there a difference between the Incoterms DDU and DAP?
DAP is the short form for “Delivered at Place” that was introduced in 2010. It is a term of agreement between a buyer and a seller much like DDU. DDU was removed from Incoterms 2010 and replaced with DAP; however, many traders continue to use DDU in their business documents. As a result, if traders use the terms in their business documents it is mandatory to mention “as per Incoterms 2000.” Otherwise, DAP terms are applicable.
Customs and Border Protection has issued two CSMS messages, 64348288 and 64348411 providing guidance on handling of steel and aluminum derivatives including derivatives outside of chapters 73 and 76. The additional 25% duty will be applicable starting on March 12, 2025, for ALL steel and aluminum derivatives.
To read our full advisory, click on the link below.
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